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In The Realm when players reach certain levels they are awarded special colored Baldrics, or "baldies". This page is sort of a trophy page, pics of myself as well as friends when they reached special levels.

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This is my friend Whocares & I just after he put on his brand new level 100 magenta baldy. (Yeah, I know, they look pink, but technically they are magenta... and what they call pink is really icky looking!)

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This is me when I hit level 700, no special baldy, just a nice round number! And the giant is my friend Gambie.

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This is PowerMage sporting his brand new level 1000 baldy, hunter green in color. The tall elf behind me is Namroon, a friend of ours.

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This is another shot of PowerMage, hanging out at the entrance to Holy Caves showing off his new baldy. Hey, I don't blame him, level 1000 is quite an accomplishment!

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And here we are hanging out in Drune at the magic shop, just showing off a little more *hehehe*.

Congratulations PowerMage!!!

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